Let’s talk about the stigma of cloth diapering!
Cloth diapering looks much different now than it has in the past. The world of cloth diapering has changed so much since the days of white sheets and safety pins (although that’s still an option if you choose!).
Cloth diapers are now trendy, elegant, chic, and far less expensive than disposable diapers.
Ah, the stigma of cloth diapering.
If you’ve even mentioned the word cloth diapering to your friends and family then you probably know exactly what I’m talking about. That look people give you – as if they can literally smell the baby poop that will be all over your hands and covering the floor. That reaction people give you – like you’re obviously born in the wrong year because we don’t do that over here. That comment they make – “ew” “why?!” “yea right?!”
Well, guess what? They’re wrong! You will not be covered in poop. You are not born in the wrong year. And you CAN successfully cloth diaper while still be a full-time working mom, girl boss, queen.
When I was pregnant my cloth diapering desires were no secret. I had items listed on my registry and had watched a few YouTube videos to learn tips and tricks before the baby arrived. Still, I didn’t start cloth diapering Baby Boy until about one month after I had him.

I hope you enjoy this blog post about overcoming the stigma of cloth diapering.
Why I didn’t cloth diaper from the beginning:
- I was a first-time mom and the newness of motherhood was a lot for me. The thought of adding cloth diapering to the mix was overwhelming and would not have coupled well with my postpartum anxiety.
- My husband wasn’t on board. When we brought the baby home my husband was so delirious from the sleep deprivation he couldn’t fathom incorporating another thing to our plate.
- We had heard about all of the cons of cloth diapering and didn’t want the extra hassle.
- We received a lot of negativity from other friends and family who insisted we just stick with disposable diapers.
One day when I was home with the baby while my husband was at work and I thought “let me just put him in one of these diapers. What’s the worst that can happen?” I’m so glad I did. Not only was he incredibly adorable in his little red cloth diaper, but it was also the easiest thing imaginable. I literally just snapped it on.
If you want to learn more about cloth diapering, check out my cloth diapering series here. Don’t be afraid to give it a try!
I mentioned a few reasons why I didn’t cloth diaper from the very beginning, but the purpose of this blog is to highlight one of those reasons specifically: we received a lot of negative from other friends and family who insisted we just stick with disposable diapers.
Why you should cloth diaper, even if it isn’t right away
Cloth Diapering is Stylish
While being “on trend” is the least of my concerns most days, it’s pretty awesome to know that my baby is extremely stylish…down to his diaper! As I said before, cloth diapers have come a long way from the old school white sheet and safety pin.
Cloth diapers come in so many styles, patterns, colors, and types. It’s so easy to mix and match to create an adorable look. Every single time someone sees my son in his cloth diaper they give compliments about how adorable his diaper is.
Cloth Diapering is Cheaper
Attention moms: save your coins and cloth diaper! Save that money, honey! Cloth diapering is so much cheaper. So I’m no math whiz but look at the comparison below. You can save hundreds of dollars every year by cloth diapering.
Why? You’re reusing the same diapers over and over again. For even bigger cost savings, use those same diapers on your future children. Once you buy your stash of cloth diapers you never have to purchase a diaper again.
Remember, your baby will be in diapers for 2-3 years. It is estimated that disposable diapers cost about $70 a month. In comparison, a cloth diaper costs about $40 for a set of six. If you order five sets, you’re estimating about $200 TOTAL!
Disposable Diapers $70/month x 24 months = $1,680
Cloth Diapers $40 (per diaper set of six) x five (sets of diapers) = $200
Cloth Diapering is environmentally friendly
If you didn’t know, I’m passionate about the environment. I’m not a vegan or zero-waste, but I am a flexitarian and environmentally conscious. One of the major reasons I started cloth diapering was to reduce my impact on the environment. Once thrown away, disposable diapers can set in a landfill for up to 500 years.
By changing my behavior and using cloth diapers I am not only helping to keep disposable diapers out of the landfill, but I am also teaching my son the importance of making environmentally conscious decisions.
Clothing Diapering reduce skin irritation
Cloth diapers are made with fewer chemicals than disposable diapers and are therefore better on the skin. While it may not stop your baby from getting diaper rash, the evidence is out there.
Cloth diaper babies get fewer diaper rashes. I noticed a significant difference in the irritation and redness on Baby Boy’s butt once we committed to cloth diapering. If your cloth diaper baby does happen to get a diaper rash, this is a great resource for tips to help.
Summing up the benefits
These graphics sums up the benefits of cloth diapering perfectly! Click the images for the source.
Tips to overcome the stigma of cloth diapering
1.Don’t mom shame
Not everyone will be on board. So what! You’ll never win them all and that is okay. Be sure to not downplay, shame, or guilt other moms who are not on the same journey as you.
Remember, the reverse is true too. No one should be mom-shaming you because you’re choosing a traditional path that’s better for the environment, your baby, and your wallet
2. Follow other cloth diaper mommas
Follow me on Instagram! I often share my cloth diapering journey in my posts and Instagram stories.
3. Research
I tried to include a good amount of research in this blog, but there is plenty more out there. Share your research with others to educate them on the alternatives to disposable diapers.
4. Share your honest experience with cloth diapering
Sharing is caring! Share what works for you, and what doesn’t. It is easier for people to understand when you communicate genuinely.
5. Show others the way
For many, seeing is believing. Show them that cloth diapering is not only doable but it so much better than the conventional way! Let them see how far cloth diapers have come! Share your personal experiences. That is how people learn.
Responses to people who discourage your cloth diapering journey
- Have you ever cloth diapered before? Here is my experience with cloth diapering…
- There are huge cost-savings! Here’s what I spend on cloth diapers…
- I will only use 15-20 cloth diapers, total.
- Cloth diapers are adorable. Check out these patterns!
- What is your hesitation about cloth diapering? Maybe I can share some insight…
- Here’s how I got started cloth diapering…
- Actually, that’s a myth! Here’s my experience with that…
I hope you enjoyed this blog post about learning about the stigma of cloth diapering!
Are you a cloth diapering momma? Do you have any reservations about cloth diapering?
To overcome the stigma of cloth diapering it is important to remember why you are choosing to use cloth diapers. If you’ve ever heard the phrase “don’t knock it until you try it”, that applies here!
Cloth diapering can be fashionable, fun, and keep money in your pocket. The upfront cost is easily covered when comparing the amount spent on disposable diapers.
In addition, cloth diapering saves our landfills and ultimately helps the environment! People will often mock or make fun of what they don’t know. Don’t be afraid to give cloth diapering a try and experience these benefits for yourself. Once you do, share it with the world. Cloth diapering is a best-kept secret!

Resources To Guide You On Your Cloth Diaper Journey:
- A Modern Mom’s Guide to Cloth Diapering
- All About Cloth Diapers
- Cloth Diapers versus Disposable Diapers
- Green Child Magazine
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