When you’ve been in the classroom (or your homeschool space) all day, sometimes you need to grab a nature walk journal printable and get outside! Take the learning outdoors with this nature walk journal printable which is perfect for school and homeschooling.
Even as an environmental science student, I remember being assigned nature walks and tree observation tasks. No matter how old, your student can benefit from a nature walk. To make it even easier, I’ve created a nature walk journal printable that is perfect to help students learn more about the outside environment and how to use their senses to connect.
Sesame Street Nature Walk Video
Include this video in your activity to increase and enhance learning!
This blog post is all about making a nature walk journal printable.

A nature journal collects your observations, experiences, and reflections from your time spent outside. Here are some things you can include in your nature journal:
- Nature Walk Observations
- Scavenger Hunt
- A to Z Scavenger Hunt
- Nature Reflections Sheet
- Nature Walk 5 Senses Worksheet
Nature Walk Observations
This observation sheet helps you keep a detailed description of what you find on your nature walk. Whether you see plants, animals, or something really cool, make sure you or your student uses this observation sheet to make note.
This nature walk observation sheet includes spaces for sketches, drawings, dates, and locations, and weather conditions. This nature walk observation sheet also includes a space for items your students may have collected on their walk.
Scavenger Hunt for Nature Walk
I love this scavenger hunt because it gives students an opportunity to enjoy the nature walk even if they don’t know what to look for. This scavenger hunt lists 32 different items for the student to find during their time outside.
Students can simply use this scavenger hunt to help them begin to understand what abiotic (nonliving) and biotic (living) items they may be able to discover.
A to Z Scavenger Hunt
This scavenger hunt is great because it gives just enough information to help students be able to use their creativity and critical thinking skills to finish the worksheet.
For younger students, this is a great opportunity to practice ABC’s or reinforce alphabet sounds/phonics.
For older students, this is a great opportunity to use some critical thinking skills to hunt for items that begin with each of these letters. Can they get creative to find all 26 items?
Extension Activity: have the student pick a letter and whatever item they found for that letter have them do a short research project. Be sure to have the student include how that item fits into our natural world.
Reflections From Your Nature Walk
Explore your thoughts and concerns about your walk. Did your student see anything that bothered them? Did they see anything that evoked an emotional response? Did anything surprise them? You can also ask your students to write ways they can contribute to protecting the natural world or ideas for sustainable living.
Extension Activity: set a nature challenge or goal and document your progress. Another extension activity could be to have the student research nature quotes or poems that resonate with them based on their experience with their walk and share them with the class.
Use Your 5 Senses
Follow along with this worksheet in this nature walk journal printable and note how you’re using all five senses. What did you see? hear? feel? touch? smell? taste? You can also colors, shapes, sizes, behaviors, and any other distinctive features.

I hope you enjoyed this blog post all about how to create a nature walk journal printable
I’ve included the entire nature walk journal printable here! Be sure to click and you can instantly download it.
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