Using these hot chocolate activities can help shake off the winter blues in your classroom and incorporate fun back into the classroom for your students!
Wintertime is tough for me personally and professionally. Something about the cold weather and the dark days make me want to stay in the couch, under the covers with a warm blanket and my Christmas tree. Of course,e this isn’t reality and as much as I’d love to stay cozied up on the couch until springtime, that just isn’t realistic.
Instead, I like to find ways to bring fun into the classroom with different winter activities to make the classroom fun.
We’ve created an entire packet full of hot chocolate activities to help you make your classroom fun during the cold winter days!

1. Counting Marshmallows
Have your students use marshmallows to practice their math skills! Using my “how many hot chocolates” counting sheets, have the students place marshmallows on the counting sheets to practice counting.

2. Addition and Subtraction
Use m&m candies with the hot chocolate subtraction and addition sheets to help students with math! They can place and m&m on each of the hot chocolate mugs to help with with completing the math problem.

3. Read or Listen To a Book
I love to play these read-alouds as I’m prepping materials for an activity.
4. Create A Word
Did you know January 31 is National Hot Chocolate Day? This is a perfect opportunity to bring hot chocolate activities into the classroom. Have your students create words from National Hot Chocolate Day! You can do this as an anchor chart activity, or break students into groups and see how many words students can write given a certain time.

5. Hot Chocolate Descriptive Writing
Have your students practice their descriptive writing by asking students to describe what they like most about hot chocolate!

6. Hot Chocolate Sensory Bin
7. Hot Chocolate Number Order and ABC Order
Use the cut and paste activity here for this fun game to help your students with number orders and alphabet order.

8. Hot Chocolate Bingo

9. Hot Chocolate Mug
Have students design their own hot chocolate mug!

10. How To Writing
Use this cut an paste activity to have your student create the right order for the perfect cup of hot chocolate. Then, have students make their own cup of hot chocolate!

11. Sing along to the “Hot Chocolate” song!
I hope you enjoyed these ideas for hot chocolate activities to help you make your classroom fun during the cold winter days!

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