Here is the hey humans deodorant review you need to know before you make the switch to the low waste, aluminum-free deodorant.
There’s been a lot of buzz about deodorant lately. Have you heard about it?
If you’re anything like me and never thought twice about your deodorant until recently, you’ve probably been scouring the internet looking for a non-toxic, aluminum-free deodorant that can hold up against the stinkiest of times.
Not only is a non-toxic deodorant important to me, but also a deodorant that has a lower impact on our environment.
Most deodorants I was using in the past were in plastic containers which always ended up in the landfill. I wasn’t sure what ingredients were in them and if they were good for my body or the environment.

I first discovered Hey Humans deodorant when browsing through the isles of Target looking for a non-toxic and eco-friendly deodorant. I had run out of the eco-friendly refillable deodorant I was purchasing online and needed something while I waited for my delivery.
At first glance in Target, most aluminum-free deodorants were expensive! As I continued to search, I discovered this cute little paper tube for an affordable price – Hey Humans deodorant!
This post will tell you more about Hey Humans deodorant’s pros and cons as well as an overview of how the product works and how it can work for you!
In this blog, I am giving a Hey Humans Deodorant Review.
Why You Need To Purchase Non-Toxic Deodorant
Hey Humans is aluminum-free, propylene glycol-free, and paraben-free. I know that sounds all and good, but what does it actually mean?
It is no secret that the build-up of metals in the body can be toxic and unhealthy. What’s more, studies have linked a build-up of aluminum in the body to Alzheimer’s disease. Since this original study, however, scientists believe the accumulation of aluminum found is a result of, not a cause of, Alzheimer’s (source). However, the lack of solid evidence makes it difficult to make a solid conclusion about how much harm this actually does to the body (source).
Since aluminum is found in most traditional deodorants to help block sweat, brands have listened to the concerns of customers and began eliminating the metal from deodorants.
In my personal opinion, if it can be avoided, I don’t think there is any harm in reducing the amount of aluminum I expose my body to.
Propylene glycol-free
If you’re anything like me, you probably had no idea what this was before reading this blog post. According to EWG (Environmental Working Group), Propylene glycol is a small organic alcohol commonly used as a skin conditioning agent.
Propylene glycol is avoided by some people because it can be a skin irritant to some. Overall, EWG rates this chemical a 3 out of 10.
Parabens are a chemical of concern because scientific evidence has shown that these chemicals can impact male and female reproduction, fertility, and birth outcomes. In addition, parabens can interfere with hormones (source). According to research, In 2004, a small study found traces of parabens in some samples of breast cancer tumors (source).
EWG rates this chemical a 7 out of 10.
Environmental Benefits of Plastic-Free Deodorant
Whether you’re striving to lower the amount of plastic in your life or looking to buy items in packaging that won’t ultimately end up in the landfill, choosing to shop plastic-free is incredibly beneficial.
The problem with plastic packaging is that plastic is sourced from a non-renewable source, oil. In addition, most deodorants with plastic packaging are not recyclable in curbside bins. In fact, only 9% of plastic actually gets recycled.
Buying items in more sustainable packaging is a great way to help make a positive impact on the environment because it casts a vote for the world you want to see. Buying sustainable products tells companies that how they create and package their products matters. It prioritizes planet over “status quo”.
Plastics contribute to pollution that we currently see in our oceans, an increase in greenhouse gas emissions, and ultimately end up accumulating in landfills.
Hey Humans Deodorant Review: The Pros
- Affordable
- Great scents
- Accessible
- It actually works well, all day!
- Cruelty free, vegan
- Packaging is made from paper
- 4 out 10 on the Environmental Working Group Healthy Living App (10 being a high hazard)
Hey Humans Deodorant Review: The Cons
- Cap can become bent when placed back on. Make sure to very carefully place the cap back on the tube after use.
- I’m skeptical to recycle the bottom on the tube because it often has residue from the deodrant. To prevent contamination, recycalbels must be clean and try beofre placing in the recycling bin.
- It takes effort to push up the deodorant. If you’re used to using deodorant in traditional plastic packaging with a twister, you’ll quickly realize there’s a little elbow grease invovled with pushing up this deodrant. You don’t need Hulk-like strength, but it is not effortless.
Would I Reccomend Hey Humans Deodorant
Absolutely! As more businesses discover how to create safer, healthier, and more eco-friendly deodorants, I look forward to testing them out and leaving honest reviews. That being said, Hey Humans is a deodorant that you will always find in my household. What I love the most about it is that it is so affordable and accessible. I can grab it at a Target Pickup or throw it in with an Amazon order.
I’ve even given this deodorant as a gift to help someone start up their eco-conscious living journey. I knew that they would love it and easily be able to continue buying it.
Although the packaging is a bit finicky, I can still confidently recycle the top part of my deodorant (as long as it doesn’t have residue on it) and I know that the packaging is made from recycled paper.
I hope this hey humans deodorant reveiw gave you an idea of what to expect with your purchase. If you’re looking for a low-cost, eco-friendly deodorant that is accessible and smells incredible, Hey Humans deodorant has you covered.
I Love Hey Human! I discovered this deodorant at target about 6 months ago and both my husband and I use it now! I am glad you also love this product!
I’m so happy to hear this! I got my husband on board with it too!