As an environmental educator, I know how important it is to make teachers feel appreciated. As a busy mom, I also know the importance of thoughtful and FREE gifts for teachers. Teachers are such hard working individuals. They dedicate their time, creativity, and sometimes their own money to create a positive school environment for your students and teach them invaluable skills and knowledge.
Whether it’s National Teacher Appreciation Week, a teacher birthday, or even Christmas time, teacher’s deserve the best gifts for their hard work! I’ve filled this blog post with really good stuff! I’m including some of my favorite gifts your child’s teacher will love!

This blog post is all about free gifts for teachers they’re guarenteed to love!
Handwritten Thank You Note

A personal touch is the perfect way to give a gift to a teacher and make them feel appreciated. Handwritten notes are thoughtful and original. This is a great way for your student to show your favorite teacher you appreciate them.
Potluck Luncheon

Help coordinate a potluck luncheon for the teachers! Potlucks are a great way to celebrate and a thoughful gift for teachers appreciation. This is especially a good gift for high school teachers!
Volunteer in the Classroom

Remember the phrase it takes a village? This is even true for school teachers. Believe it or not, the parents are part of the village which helps to make an even better for teachers and students in the classroom. Working cooperatively with your child’s teacher is everything! Take the time to volunteer in the classroom to assist your child’s teacher. Not only will the teacher love it, but your child will as well!
Donate Books

Whether you have extra books at home you’d like to donate, or find books at a buy nothing group, books are perfect free gifts for teachers! Books can be used to incorporate in teacher lesson plans and really go a long way at helping to aid in educating students throughout the year.
Use Your Talents (create artwork or crafts)

Are you talented and creative? Use these skills as a way to help create a positive educational experience for your kids! Using your own talents such as creating artwork or crafts is such a kind gift because it is incredibly helpful. Here are some ideas for how you can use your talents/offer your services as free gifts for teachers:
- offer help setting up technology
- helping with event planning
- assist with classroom organization
- create art projects
- help with school plays/performances
- give a career day presentation
- photography
- graphic design for posters or digital materials
- baking treats
Propagated Plants
Do you have plants you can propagate to give to a teacher? I love propagating plants as free gifts for teachers. Simply cut the plant at the node and place in water. Once the roots start to grow the teacher can replant and put it in their home or classroom.
Memory Book

Compile a small memory book with notes and drawings from your child and their classmates!

Have your students pick flowers from your garden. Picking fresh flowers are not only free gifts for teachers, but also helps to allow your kids to connect to nature.
Ask The Teacher For Their Classroom Wishlist

This is a great gift idea for the beginning of the school year! Asking the teacher is a great way to make sure you are getting items that the teacher actually wants and this ensures that your gifts are both appreciated and needed.
Recycled Crayons
Recycling crayons is such a great idea for teacher gifts and can be completely free! Check out this video to learn exactly how to do it. This is the kid of gift that may be best for an elementary teachers, but would be a great addition to their classroom!
Extra Supplies
Check your stash from last year and see if you have any extra school supplies! This is perfect for every school level. Teachers always need supplies because this takes away some of the financial burden that teachers already face. Free supplies are perfect free gifs for teachers any great teacher would enjoy!
When selecting a gift, consider the teacher’s personality and interests to make the present more personalized. It’s the thought and effort behind the gift that counts most.

I hope you enjoyed these free gifts for teachers helped give you ideas to thank teachers!

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