Meloria Gentle Home Cleaning Scrub is the best non toxic bathtub cleaner I’ve ever used.
When I was looking for a non toxic bathtub cleaner, I tried so many different kinds. It took me a while to find a product that would clean effectively, smell great, and truly be non toxic. If you’re a busy mom looking for a non-toxic, gentle scrub that works, this is it!
Here is my review of the best non toxic bathtub cleaner: Meloira Gentle Home Cleaning Scrub

How do you clean a bathtub without bleach?
You can clean your tub without bleach by using non toxic bathtub cleaner. Growing up, the smell of bleach in my home was a sign of clean and prestine! It was the way my mom cleaned, my grandma cleaned, and her mom before that. If it didn’t smell like bleach, it wasn’t clean!
When it was time to clean the tub, we would all know to open all the windows and not close the bathroom door because the smell of bleach in a closed, stuffy room could cause a headache. Again, this was normal for us. I always thought that this was the price you pay for true cleanliness.
Over time, as more research became available I’ve found that not only is bleach not the best way to clean, there are options for a safe bathtub cleaner. According to research, bleach triggered 27% of participants with migraine attacks after a few minutes of exposure (source).
One of the things I love most about choosing non toxic bathroom cleaners is that it is an effective way to clean a dirty bathtub without giving me a headache. Research states that bleach can create indoor pollutants when combined with other chemicals that are commonly found in homes (source).
Which is the best bath cleaner?
Meloria Gentle Cleaning Scrub is the best non toxic bathtub cleaner.

Meloria Cleaning Scrub is a grainy powder shipped in zero waste packaging. The scrub comes in a paper tube with an aluminum tin. This packaging can be reused or recycled easily. The texture of the grainy powder is perfect for tough surfaces making it the best bath non toxic bath cleaner.
The Peppermint Tea Tree scent ignites a smell of fresh and clean replacing the suffocating smell commonly released by more toxic products.
This is the best non toxic bathtub cleaner because it cuts through grime, dirt, and soap scum easily!
What is the fastest way to clean a dirty bathtub?

As a mom of two small kids, being able to clean quickly and effectively is necessary. Here is the step by step way I use Meloria Gentle Cleaning Scrub to clean a dirty bathtub.
- Wet the surface of the tub. The Meloria Gentle Cleaning Scrub works best when the surface is wet.
- Close up the tub stopper and allow about 3 cups of water to collect at the bottom of the tub.
- Add about two tablespoons of Meloria Gentle Cleaning Scrub to the tub.
- Using a cleaning brush, dip the brush into the solution at the bottom of the tub and begin scrubbing the tub.
For tougher stains, make a paste with the Meloria Gentle Cleaning Scrub. To do this, mix about 1/4 cup of the cleaning scrub with a tablespoon of water. Use the paste on the stubborn stains and let it sit for a few minutes. Use a scrub brush to scrub out the dirty bathtub!
If you’re looking for the best bathtub cleaner, look no further!
Give it a try and let me know if you think it is effective for you too! Be sure to use a cleaning brush to really get the dirt and grime out!
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