Before deciding which type of diapers to use, here are some benefits of cloth diapers you could consider! Have you been wondering if cloth diapering is really worth it? Maybe you’re considering whether or not you really save money with cloth diapers.

Spoiler alert: the rumors are true! Cloth diapering is an amazing choice for your baby. By the end of this post, you’ll learn more about why I highly recommend cloth diapers. Cloth diapers can be beneficial for your baby, your family, and your wallet.
This post is all about the benefits of cloth diapers!
Benefit # 1: Cloth diapering saves you at least a thousand dollars
Let’s start with the big one, shall we? For my family, this is one of the top benefits of cloth diapers. Cloth diapering can save you at least $1,000! I’m not sure about you, but I could you use an extra thousand dollars.
If you’ve heard that cloth diapering is expensive, the reason may be because you will need to pay for the cost of your cloth diapers upfront. This is different than disposable diapers because most often, you buy as needed.
Here is a cost breakdown of cloth diapers versus disposable diapers:
- Disposable Diapers $70/month x 24 months = $1,680
- Cloth Diapers $40 (per diaper set of six) x five (sets of diapers) = $200
Although there are other supplies you may want to purchase for your cloth diaper baby, the total still will not be more than that of disposable diapers. Once the investment is made, there is no need to continue purchasing.
Benefit # 2: Cloth diaper sare more stylish and made with better material
Now, let’s best honest for a minute, one of the best things about having a new baby is the cute clothes! The onesies, the bows, the matching pieces. Cloth diapers are one more way to add style to your child’s wardrobe. Cloth diapers have vibrant colors, beautiful patterns, and cute messages. These adorable styles are the exact baby accessory item you didn’t even realize you were missing. While stylish diapers may seem small, it is one of my favorite benefits of cloth diapers.
Before you say you don’t care about the design of diapers, consider that even disposable diapers have designs. From Mickey Mouse and Sesame Street to cactus prints and farm animals, designs on diapers is not new. The difference is, cloth diapers have the most dynamic and irresistible patterns and colors for every occasion!
Benefit # 3: Versitilitiy
You don’t have to stick to one type of cloth diaper. Versatility and flexibility are one of the many benefits of cloth diapers. There are so many different types of cloth diapers! Yes, cloth diapering goes beyond the “old school” sheets and safety pins. As you can see from the section above, cloth diapers are so adorable! What’s more, they’re versatile. Here are the different types of cloth diapers:
- Flats are the traditional type of cloth diapers
- Pros: fast washing/drying and very inexpensive
- Cons: requires folding; you’ll need pins or snaps to keep it in place
- Prefold diapers are similar to flats, but they are …prefolded! Making it easier to get the traditional diaper shape before placing it on your baby
- Pros: fast washing/drying, very inexpensive, and easier to fold
- Cons: you’ll need pins or snaps to keep it in place
- These are already in the shape of a diaper
- Pros: no folding required
- Cons: need a waterproof cover
- These are my personal favorite! The outside is waterproof and the inside is stuffed with absorbent liners
- Pros: no folding, or extra purchase needed for absorbance
- Cons: diaper inserts must be “stuffed”
All In One
- The reusable disposable diaper
- Pros: no stuffing, folding, or pins
- Cons: can be more pricey; longer dry time
All In Twos
- These are all-in-one diapers with an extra insert
- Pros: extremely absorbent
- Cons: insert must be stuffed before the diaper is used and cleanup can be time-consuming.
Benefit # 4: Cloth diapers are better for your baby’s skin
Our baby’s skin is so sensitive. From the waxy coating that covers their body when we have them to the random burst of baby acne, we know that baby’s skin goes through so many changes.
In fact, approximately 50% to 65% of babies will suffer from diaper rash at some time in their life (source). According to research, there is a correlation between the type of diapers and the way that it impacts your baby’s skin. This study showed that traditional diapers, such as Pampers Pure Protection had a higher prevalence of diaper rash than more “natural diapers”, such as Honest.
Taking it one step further, cloth diapers are even more natural. When considering diapers, keep in mind one of the benefits of cloth diapers is that they do not contain the same amount of chemicals and ingredients as cloth diapers do. This is a great benefit of cloth diapers because it means that your baby has a smaller risk of exposure to chemicals.
Benefit # 5: Cloth diapers are zero waste

Have you heard of the zero waste movement? The EPA defines zero waste as a system-wide approach that seeks to maximize recycling, minimize waste, reduce consumption, and ensure that products are designed to be reused, repaired, or recycled back into the environment or marketplace.
While I personally don’t consider myself zero waste, I make a considerable effort to reduce the amount of waste I produce. When you purchase your cloth diaper, it may come in some wasteful packing, but the cloth diapers themselves are zero waste. In addition, you don’t create new waste with each time you use the diaper.
For example, every time I use a disposable diaper, I’m adding waste to the landfill. According to research, diapers take approximately 500 years to break down. This means a diaper my child was in for two hours will be on the Earth for 500 years – unless it is incinerated. When you think about the fact that each baby uses at least 1500 disposable diapers a year, that’s a lot of diapers that will be around for a very long time.
Benefit # 6: Cloth diapring eliminates the task of constantly buying diapers
“As consumers, we have so much power to change the world by just being careful in what we buy.”
Have you ever found yourself out of diapers and having to make early morning (or late night) run to the store to get more? One of the benefits of cloth diapers is that it eliminates the urgency to need to go to the store and buy more diapers. However, this does mean you have to remain diligent with washing to make sure you have diapers available.
One of the greatest senses of comfort for me with cloth diapering is knowing that I don’t have to purchase another diaper if I didn’t want to. One of the most important aspects of being more environmentally friendly is reducing what you purchase.
Benefit # 7: Cloth diapers are better for the environment
Yes, cloth diapers are better for the environment.
This is personally one of my favorite benefits of cloth diapers. Using cloth diapers significantly reduces your waste. This is important because when we throw away items, such as disposable diapers, they are sent to the landfill where they never really break down (or will take hundreds of years!) and creates methane gas. Methane is a greenhouse gas that is contributing to our warming climate.
In addition, disposable diapers use up to 3.5 times more energy to make than reusable diapers (The Sustainablish Guide to Green Living).
Many people ask, don’t cloth diapers use a lot of water? Aren’t cloth diapers just as bad for the environment? Yes, using reusable diapers uses water. However, the use of water to clean cloth diapers does not make them less sustainable than disposable diapers. The environmental impact of disposable diapers far outweighs that of cloth diapers.
Here are some ways to make cloth diapering even better for the environment:
- Wash on cold
- Wash with other clothing
- Buy cloth diapers second hand
- Donate/giveaway cloth diapers to others when you’re done
- Don’t buy too many cloth diapers (over consumption is not good for the environment, even if it is a sustianble product)
- Air dry or line dry, if possible
Benefit # 8: Cloth diapering reduces your carbon footprint

Reducing your carbon footprint is another one of the benefits of cloth diapering.
A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases (including carbon dioxide and methane) that are generated by our actions (source). Currently, our average carbon footprint in the United States is about 16 tons per person while globally the average is 2 tons per person. One of the ways to help slow down the rate of climate change is to reduce our carbon footprint.
How much we purchase and how much we waste are major contributors to our carbon footprint. In addition, when comparing reusables to disposables, reusables show greenhouse gas emission savings and lower global warming potential impacts (source).
Calculate your carbon footprint here!
I hope you enjoyed this blog post about the 8 benefits of cloth diapers every mom should know!
Did you know about these benefits? There are so many myths and stigmas associated with cloth diapering. Before you reject the idea of cloth diapering your baby, do lots of research and understand the many benefits of cloth diapers!
Lots of good information here.