I’m all about finding fun ways to celebrate Earth Day and what could be more fun than a game full of Earth Day Jeopardy questions? From silent spring to the hottest years on Earth, how much do you really know about Earth? Whether you add these to Google Classroom or use them in Earth Sciences classes, these questions are all about increasing climate literacy in the way of a classic Jeopardy game show.
This blog post is about Earth Day Jeopardy questions with fun facts about our Earth!

Earth Day Background
Earth Day is on April 22 each year! According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Gaylord Nelson is the founder of Earth Day. At the time Gaylord Nelson was a Wisconsin Senator. The first Earth Day had twenty million Americans participate (source). If you’re looking for a great way to talk about Earth Day with your students, check out this short video about Earth Day: https://youtu.be/WbwC281uzUs.
Water Questions

1.) Water is composed of these two elements. What is oxygen and hydrogen?
2.) The percentage of Earth that is saltwater. What is 97%?
3.) Washing clothes at this temperature will save energy. What is cold?
4.) This is the percentage of available, drinkable freshwater available on Earth right now. What is 1%
5.) This is the main source of water usage in homes accounting for nearly 30% of an average home’s water consumption. What are toilets?
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The Living World
1.) The process where plants use sunlight to make food from carbon dioxide and water generating oxygen as a byproduct. What is Photosynthesis?
2.) A very dry, barren region with little rain and vegetation and a very warm climate. What is a desert?
3.) A very dry, barren region with little rain and vegetation and a very warm climate. What is a desert?
4.) This shows the continuous movement of water with the Earth and atmosphere. What is the water cycle?
5.) An English naturalist known for his theory of natural selection which became the foundation of evolutionary studies. Who is Charles Darwin?
6.) A species that other species in an ecosystem largely depend on. If it were removed the ecosystem would change drastically, ex. Bees, turtles, elephants. What are keystone species?
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Climate Change
1.) The warming effect that takes place on Earth caused by greenhouses trapped in the atmosphere. What is the greenhouse gas effect?
2.)Two gases that are the most prominent greenhouse gases contributing to global warming. What is carbon dioxide and methane?
3.) The consequence of climate change that happens because warm water expands and melting glaciers add to ocean volume. What is sea level rise?
4.) The cause for the rapid increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and global warming, according to most scientists. What are humans?
5.) The reason it can be cold and snowy during the winter, but our planet is still experiencing global warming. What is the difference between weather and climate?
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Environmental History
1.) The first Earth Day. What is April 22, 1970?
2. The agency that protects people and the environment from significant health risks, sponsors and conducts research, and develops and enforces environmental regulations. What is the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)?
3.) The person know as the most environmental president because under his presidency the EPA was formed along with the Clean Air Act, Water Pollution Control Act, and the National Environmental Policy Act. Who is President Nixon?
4.) The book written in 1962 by Rachel Carson that influenced the environmental movement. What is Silent Spring?
5.)The year the EPA created the Office of Environmental Justice noting that low-income, minority communities were more likely to be exposed to lead, contaminated fish, air pollution, hazardous waste, and agricultural pesticides. What is 1992?
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Plants and Animals
1.) The elimination of all the individuals of a particular time. This is the death of a species that is a natural and common event in biological evolution. What is extinction?
2.) The nonliving things that influence an organism. What are abiotic factors?
3.) The main function of roots to a plant. What helps the plant absorb water and minerals?
4.) Animals that eat both plants and animals. What are omnivores?
5.) The animal known as ‘Farmer’s Friends’ a.) Earthworms b.) Rats c.) Snakes What are earthworms?

I hope you loved this blog post all about Earth Day Jeopardy Questions.
This Earth Day, use these Earth Day Trivia questions to have a little friendly competition with your students!
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