Eco parenting affirmations are a helpful tool when you are striving to raise your kids with the environment in mind. We do not live in a perfectly sustainable world so it is important for us to remove the expectations we set for ourselves to be perfect eco parents. I talk about eco parenting a lot on this blog and detail my day in life as an eco parent on my Instagram. If you’re interested in checking in on my day in the life as an eco parent, follow me here.
If you’re here, you too are most likely interested in becoming an eco parent. For me, eco parenting means modeling how to live with the environment in mind for our children. Some days the eco anxiety and climate news make it difficult to say positive. This is why I often use eco parenting affirmations when I feel overwhelmed or anxious about the future of our environment. I hope these eco parenting affirmations resonate with you as well.

This blog post is all about 19 practical eco parenting affirmations for imperfect sustainable parents.
1. I love the environment and I am teaching my kids to love it too.

2. I am doing my best for myself, my family, and the planet.

3. My best may not look the same every day and that’s okay.

4. I will teach my child how to care for animals and respect them.

5. I am a good communicator.

6. I understand life is not always the way I want it.

7. Earth is our home.

8. I am building a legacy.

9. I’m a positive role model to show my children how to take care of the Earth.

10. Slow living is still living.

11. My family and I respect the planet we live on.

12. Behavior change takes time. I will give myself grace.

13. I will check my privilege and not judge other families who may eco parent differently than me.

14. I am grateful for the opportunity to teach my children about the environment.

15. My family will achieve great things through small steps.

16. What works for one family may not work for another. That is okay.

17. Every decision I make may not be best for the environment, but it will be best for my family at that time.

18. I release myself from eco-guilt or eco-shaming.

19. It is okay if I choose to mend or thrift my family’s clothes and home items.

I hope you enjoyed this blog post all about eco parenting affirmations for imperfect parents!

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